It all begins with a mistake.
Pardon me, you ask? How can the thought of achieving better health have anything to do with a mistake? Well, please let me take a minute to explain. No matter at which point we are in our health journey, we recognize that the reason we jump into action and making change is related to saying goodbye to our old patterns and ways of doing things that did not serve us.
For example, choosing a restrictive diet that deprived us from joyful eating experiences, eliminating our favourite foods for the sake of losing those extra pounds, weighing ourselves every day, or anything else that in hindsight, made us feel less in touch with positive thinking, that’s our springboard.
Call it learning from our experiences or from your mistakes, we all choose to change our ways because the old ways of doing things were no longer serving us. Not only that, we become weary of punishing ourselves, or feeling guilty, negative, and overall, unhappy. We realize we deserve another shot at success.
It’s always exciting to be here, realize that the mistake was a gift, and that it was exactly what we needed to forge a new path mentally, physically, and emotionally. The beauty of each and every one of our stories is that we are constantly evolving and growing - all successful endeavours ultimately start with making a mistake that pushes us to want to do better.