It’s All Good: Change Takes Time
Frustration, distress, and hopelessness are all feelings we encounter when we are trying to build something, whether it is a healthy diet, a relationship that works, or a physical activity goal that will stand the test of time. This is likely due to our human nature of seeking results before the process has been mapped out. All good things take time, and that includes change, especially if we desire change for the better and for the long term.
If there is a quick fix that is offered to you, question it. Although opportunities may present themselves in a desirable way, realize that they are not representative of your individual truth, values, and beliefs. If I can use the example of an inukshuk, traditional structure in Inuit culture that serves as a landmark, I hope I can convey that a step-wise and calculated approach can garner results that stand the test of time, triumph over the elements, and stand tall and confident to greet the world around them.
Inukshuks are built in such a way that the stones connected are aligned to fit well together. No two inukshuks are the same, nor are the stones that comprise it. Each stone supports the one that rises above it, as well as the one that supports is from beneath. Could one imagine a better analogy than this to the self, and to the intricate parts that comprise it? If you know and believe that you are unique, then perhaps you may also come to believe that you are similar to the inukshuk, and that you require customized strategies, approaches, and connections to guide you toward positive change.
One diet plan, one exercise regimen, one self-help book, this will not be the stone you seek. Instead, taking time and space to better understand yourself, what needs you have, and what strengths you can tap into for momentum, these are the stones that will build your inukshuk. The question now arises, “Where can I find such stones?”. Start with the activities, people, and places that bring you joy, and surround yourself with more and more of those moments, and stone by stone, you will build the tower that serves as a landmark for others who also aspire.