Because It’s Never Too Late

Sometimes I get the feeling that when people get to a certain age, they decide to give up on their health goals and say something like: “I’m at a point when it doesn’t really matter anymore.” May I, respectfully, disagree? Whether you are healthy at your age and stage, or living with health conditions, the fact that there may be a possibility to improve how you feel, should perhaps grab your attention a little more than you may give it credit. I am not asking for the world here, just asking you to ask yourself: “What is one small thing I can do today to make myself feel better about myself?” Sometimes, it’s the simple pleasure of enjoying a warm drink with a cookie on your porch, or other times, it might be purchasing that special watch that pushes you to track your steps. It could be as simple as starting a walking group with a friend, or a recipe exchange with a neighbour.

Sometimes, when we stop and think about the things we do to make our lives just a little more bright and cheerful, we realize that there is no better time than the present. Not only is it timely, and by no means, too late, it is imperative to our own existence, and to the bettering of the greater good! Listen, if there is one thing that the last few years have shown us it is that we all crave and need human connection. It’s never too late to make that connection.

All of us get into the mindset that we may not matter as much as we do, but to others around us, we might be the only source of inspiration and just what they are looking for to realize “it’s not too late”. By showing up in a very small and unique way, you can be the change you want to see in the world (Mahatma Ghandi was onto something pretty great when he coined this phrase). So, as we embark on a new and bright spring season, I hope I see you with a tiny spring in your step that says to me and the world: the time is just right.

Dani Shahvarani Renouf

Vancouver-Based Registered Dietitian with Master of Science, and Certified Diabetes Educator Certificate. 

Cultural Nutrition | Chronic Disease Management | Healthy Eating | Digestive Health | Motivational Interviewing and Goal Setting

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